Catholic Faith and Reason Assoc.We are a non-profit association dedicated to evangelization and apologetics for Christ.
Talk Topics in "Apologetics Weekend to Remember" Catholic Faith and Reason 1)Theology of the Body (the meaning of human sexuality in the Bible) by Dr. Ted Sri 2)The Eucharist: God's Extravagant Love Revealed by Tim Staples 3)Christ Our Passover Sacrifice by Tim Staples 4)The Biblical Basis of the Mass by Dr. Ted Sri 5) The Immaculate Conception and the Dignity of Man by Tim Staples 6) Questions and Answers by Tim Staples Patrick Madrid Audio Tapes 1) Ten Mistakes Catholics Make When Sharing the Faith 2) The Bible and the Catholic Church: A Marriage Made in Heaven 3) Pope Fiction: Answers to Myths and Misconceptions about the Papacy 4) Mary and the Saints: It's a Family Affair These tapes are $4.00 each or $17.95 for the four tape set. More Patrick Madrid Audio Tapes: 1) The Sacraments: Soul Food and Anti-dote for Sin" 2) "Why Be Catholic When You Can Be Anything Else" These tapes are $4.00 each Ted Sri Audio Tape Series on Gospel of Matthew: 1) "The Hopes and Fears of All the Years": Jesus and Jewish Expectation [Mt 1] 2) Jesus' Kingdom Building Mission [Mt 2-4] 3) The Challenge of Jesus [Mt 5-9] 4) The New Israel: Jesus Builds His Church [Mt 10-16] 5) "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem..." Opposition in the Holy City [Mt 16:21-24] 6) Why Did the Messiah Die? [Mt 25-29] Whole series for only $35.00 Scott Hahn Audio Tapes: 1) Hail Holy Queen 2) The Lamb's Supper 3) A Father Who Keeps His Promises The Holy Eurcharist : A Series by Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR 1) St. Augustine’s Teaching on the Eucharist: The Chain of Charity 2) Question and Answer Session 3) Devotion to the Presence of Christ 4) What the Eucharist Means to the Christian Today Price: $19.95 (4 audio tapes) |